Friday, November 28, 2008

Imago Mortis, soundtrack finished!!

Hello everyone!!!
About a month ago we finished mixing the music to the thriller/horror "Imago Mortis". The film is produced by Pixstar (Italy) and Telecinco (Spain) and it's directed by Stefano Bessoni (check his blog for more info and pictures from the movie). We've recorded the music with the Bulgarian Symphonic Orchestra and Choir in Sofia. Claudio Ianni took care of the orchestrations and Jose Vinader of the mixing. Here are a couple of pictures from the rehearsals and the recordings:

and here you can take a listen to a couple of cues, this fisrt one appears at the end of the movie and it contains some of the characters leitmotifs:

Following instructions by Zacarías M. de la Riva
si no véis el reproductor de mp3, clicad aquí.

and this other cue is the love theme between Bruno and Ariana (Alberto Amarilla and Oona Chaplin):

Escaleras by Zacarías M. de la Riva and this other cue is the love theme between Bruno and Ariana (Alberto Amarilla and Oona Chaplin):


Lorenzo Pedrotti said...

Wonderful music! I'm looking forward to seeing Imago Mortis! I wonder which kind of music you created when I appear...


Unknown said...

A real beautiful inspiration. Happy to share this sensation with you. Thx.